Section: Software

Activity Modeling

K-MADe for Describing Human Operator or User Activities

Participant : Dominique Scapin [correspondant] .

K-MADe tool (Kernel of Model for Human Activity Description Environment). The K-MADe is intended for people wishing to describe, analyze and formalize the activities of human operators, of users, in environments (computerized or not), in real or simulated situation; in the field, or in the laboratory. Although all kinds of profiles of people are possible, this environment is particularly intended for ergonomics and HCI (Human Computer Interaction) specialists. It has been developed through collaboration between ENSMA (LISI XSlaboratory) and Inria.

This year a new version v1.2 of K-MAD was released in december. Its history, documentation and tool are available at: http://kmade.sourceforge.net/index.php . This work follows up the findings from the work of Caffiau and al. [73] .